
Welshpool Town Council is the corporate trustee for the following charities:

Burgesses Land Trust

The Trust was set up in 1761 to provide income to support the running cost and repair of the TownCouncil’s buildings. When this objective has been met in full then the income can go towards the pooran needy.

The Council does operate a small grant scheme under the second objective.

The Town Council owns on behalf of the Trust investments including land, houses, stocks & shares,commercial property and cash.

The Trust currrently (2017) is valued aound £4m with income of over £100,000pa.

R U Sayce Trust

The Trust was set up to provide income equally split to benefit the Powysland Museum and the Powysland Club.

The Town Council owns on behalf off the Trust property investments.

The Trust currently (2017) is valued around £160,000 with an income of just under £14,000pa.